Book Reviews


Mamluks of Thunder Island

20 copies

Mamluks of Thunder Island

Jan-09 - Jan-24, 2024
Giveaway end

The novel unfolds as a dystopia set in an imagined world, situated in the future after the inevitable occurs. Human societies grapple with devastation... Learn more

From Worrier to Warrior - Tools and Techniques for overcoming overthinking and live confidently : Stop Overthinking, anxiety and depression and cultivate warrior mindset

20 copies

From Worrier to Warrior - Tools and Techniques for overcoming overthinking and live confidently : Stop Overthinking, anxiety and depression and cultivate warrior mindset

Sep-07 - Sep-30, 2023
Giveaway end

"From Worrier to Warrior" is a practical and empowering guidebook that offers a wealth of tools and techniques to help individuals conquer overthinkin... Learn more

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