Book Daily Deals

BookBelow Giveaways are a powerful way to promote books and can be created easily.

What's included in the giveaway:

  1. Giveaway featured in reader news feeds.

  2. Giveaway will be posted on the Giveaway page

  3. Email sent to notify the author's followers and readers who have marked the book as Want to Read.

  4. Reminds winners to review the book on Amazon,Goodreads,Apple Books and BookBelow.

  5. Entrants are will be added the book to their 'Want to Read' list.

  6. Entrants are will be added the author to their following list.

  7. The giveaway will be posted on our official Facebook account. People can easily view the posts and share them further.

  8. The giveaway would be posted on our official Twitter handle. This will help in annexing the reach of the book and attracting potential readers.

  9. Instagram is an effective social media platform when it comes to young adults, promotion on our official Instagram handle would bring in new readers and assure gains.

Price: ($10)

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I promote my giveaway on social media?

We will be sent an email to you on the start date of the giveaway with graphics that you can download and use to promote your giveaway. Simply save the images to your computer, insert your book image and make sure you link to your giveaway in the text of your post.

Can I edit the giveaway?

No, you can't edit the giveaway but if you want to change your giveaway then you can contact us and we will help you as soon as possible.

How Will Readers Get My Book?

We will send the eBook to the winner by email.

How long will it take BookBelow to review and approve my giveaway?

We carefully review each giveaway before it starts. We try to approve each giveaway within 1 business day, it sometimes takes longer. We’ll send you an email once your giveaway has been reviewed and approved by our team.