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Stray Shifter

Stray Shifter

By Aimee Easterling


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A pack can follow only one alpha. Too bad ours has two.

Luke and I spent eight months gradually turning leadership over to his sister. But in the midst of an attack on the compound, she stumbles. He steps in. That's when the whispers start.

Now, half of our pack members look to Luke rather than his sister for leadership. A major problem when power-hungry neighbors will be dropping by in a very short while.

We have two days left to root out the problem. Two days left to prove to our neighbors that attacking us is a death sentence.

Two days left to figure out whether I can act like a pack wolf and obey bad orders when push comes to shove.

Don't miss the exciting finale of the Moon-Crossed Wolves Trilogy!
Book Recommendation Genie

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