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Wired Hard
🔥 WIRED ROGUE, BOOK 2, ALSO FREE! Get yours NOW! And the rest of the series is O N  S A L E briefly!
Paradise hides a Lahaina thief with an obsession about the buried Hawaiian palace on Maui, and SOPHIE is the one to solve this crime.
If Lisbeth Salander and Jack Reacher had a Black/Thai love child…she would be SOPHIE.
✅ Brilliant hacker, MMA fighter, domestic abuse survivor, and chronic depressive, Sophie is complicated

✅ Likes kids and animals more than people

✅ Never, never gives up on a case. 

What would you do to save something priceless?

Security specialist Sophie Ang has a new case: someone is looting artifacts from a royal Hawaiian archaeological site in Lahaina on Maui. Things get deadly fast, and Sophie's friend, Detective Lei Texeira, takes the case. The women track a killer whose tangled motives extend high into the world of Hawaiian cultural affairs, and deep into the darkest of human motivations—and all the while, Sophie walks a tightrope between new love and heartbreak.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Finalist: Best Indie Book Contest ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

"This thriller explores a little known and culturally important archeological site hidden under a baseball diamond in the center of Lahaina. Exhuming it could point a way forward to restoration of the town." ~Reviewer

"Neal's female leads are strong, fierce, independent, and fabulous although rough around the edges. She writes with such exquisite detail...immersing you in the island surroundings as though you are there. Exhilarating, suspenseful, thrilling, fast-paced, action-packed, easy flow, engaging, immersive, vulnerable, and scintillating." ~F. Thorn, reviewer
Book Recommendation Genie

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